Outside My Comfort Zone!

A complete newbie's blog battle - tears, trials and tribulations.

Outside My Comfort Zone!

There are thousands upon thousands of inspirational, educational and motivational messages to be found but this particular one was recommended to me. Even though the recommendation came from someone who didn't know me at all, it struck with deadly accuracy one of my most glaring weaknesses! The thought of showing the results of my artistic endeavors literally makes me physically ill. (And I'm utilizing that grossly over-used word, that I have tried to remove from my vocabulary, in its most literal sense.)

Even knowing that the odds of anyone even seeing this post are infinitesimal, my head throbs and my heart pounds. Will it get easier? I hope so, I've got some fun things in the works I'd like to share on here, although it's not COMPLETELY my reluctance that prevents me from doing so. I've tossed a few balls into others' courts and now I'm waiting for them. So meanwhile, I'm going to start making a few practice runs into the field of putting myself out there.

Can I say that 'Show Your Work' was an inspiration to open my creative soul up to the world? Not really, but it made a fun title for this post. So come back and visit again (this is where I'm supposed to insert a 'call to action', ie, subscribe, but I'm not there yet. Now I have sweaty palms at the thought of a subscriber waiting for me to produce.) As with anything new, it will get better and easier with time.